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While Gender Responsive Budgeting (GRB) is traditionally thought of as a practice of government, civil society organizations are increasingly working in tandem and engaging governments to improve their gender responsive practices. Even when gender responsiveness is embedded into the budget, funds are often shifted during implementation in ways that tend to have disproportionate negative impacts on women, or the gender responsive commitments that were made aren’t delivered on at all, or the monitoring of budget implementation identifies that the policy designs do not respond to the needs and interests of women. The International Budget Partnership (IBP) & the Gender Budget Watchdog Network (GBWN) aim to highlight the importance of Gender Responsive Budgeting (GRB) during budget implementation through an interactive webinar and joint working paper. October 19, 2022: During this interactive session, we will learn from different actors in the space of GRB and budget implementation as well as share experiences, perspectives, resources, methodologies and approaches to analyzing and holding governments accountable to gender responsive budgeting during budget execution.