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13:00-14:00 CEST
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Deliberative integrity: Risks and responses in mini-public governance

The Citizen Assembly of Burgerrat invites you to a seminar featuring insights from Lucy J. Parry and Nicole Curato’s report on deliberative mini-publics (DMPs), such as citizens’ assemblies and juries. The discussion will highlight five key risk areas that threaten DMP integrity and practical strategies to strengthen their governance in line with deliberative democracy principles.


  • Lucy J. Parry: Senior Research Associate, Centre for Deliberative Democracy and Global Governance, University of Canberra; expert in deliberative systems and democratic innovations; co-editor, Journal of Deliberative Democracy.
  • Nicole Curato: Professor of Political Sociology, University of Canberra; Chief Investigator of the Australian Research Council’s Deliberative Integrity project.

Based on over 60 expert interviews, this report offers invaluable guidance for strengthening DMPs globally.

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