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The OGP Support Unit and Independent Reporting Mechanism have designed this interactive workshop to coach participants on drafting high quality action plans. Drawing on best practice, past experience supporting countries in the drafting process, and specific insights gleaned from the IRM assessments, the session will share tools and techniques for participants to strengthen the next set of action plans. Another goal of the session is to train participants to identify and locate resources available should they require assistance with developing action plans.

Participation is open to government and civil society attendees. The intended beneficiaries of this coaching session are government POCs responsible for drafting action plans and civil society representatives who want to get involved with action plan development at the country level. We are particularly targeting participants from Cohort 2 countries and Cohort 4 countries, both of which are currently developing new action plans.

We will use a workshop format, blending exercises with illustrative examples taken from existing action plans to reinforce key concepts. Session content will be roughly divided into two sections: The first will outline the action plan drafting process from a best practice perspective, and the second will walk participants through examples of model commitments to illustrate the appropriate format, content, and structure.