Unlike standard websites or social media, EngageParl is an engagement site where ongoing conversations are developed and where meaningful interactions are held. By giving the community better opportunities to have their say on issues that are important to them, EngageParl’s mission is to improve the quality of public debate and level of community involvement in public life.
Robust democracy requires real public participation. EnageParl’s mission is to enable this participation as a fundamental pillar of well-functioning 21st-century democracies by forging constructive relationships between communities and the institutions of government.
The Parliamentary Centre already employes EngageParl as part of the following projects:
In Burkina Faso, as part of the Parliamentary Centre’s ongoing project PROCAB, EngageParl (more accurately, it's french sister site EngagementParl) will be used to connect those living far from important in-person meetings and events to them virtually. The Parliamentary Centre wants to take advantage of the prevalence of phones to connect more people to their legislatures and the organisation’s programming. Through the platform, with a little bit of cellular data, users can engage through comments, polls, and surveys to share their ideas and thoughts on these issues.
In Canada, Member of Parliament Greg Fergus has used the platform to connect with his constituency. The moderated nature of the platform can provide a safer space than other types of virtual dialogues, something that could be especially useful when it comes to women in an era where online violence, hate speech and cyberstalking is a major issue.
Some upcoming activities that will likely utilize EngagementParl in Burkina Faso include:
- The assessment of the 2015-2020 Strategic Plan for National Assembly
- Citizen Assessment of Parliamentary Performance
- Dialogue on Internally Displaced People
- Assembly open house days (mostly showcasing videos)
Download the EngageParl Brochure to learn more about the project.
For more information about the project, please click here: https://engageparl.org/