This brief reviews the available updated and new national climate commitments from countries (or NDCs as they are referred to in the climate process) for information on the integration of gender considerations. Though many countries have yet to submit new and updated NDCs, there is some indication of progress as more countries reference gender in their new/updated NDCs than do not.
- The Marshall Islands stands out as a model for other countries in demonstrating what consideration of gender equality and human rights can look like in an NDC.
- Norway is the only developed country thus far to reference gender, though that is hopeful given the 2016 analysis of the first round of NDCs showed no developed countries recognized the imperative of gender as a dimension critical to outlining effective climate action.
Though these important planning and policy documents are not necessarily accurate barometers of actualized support for advancing gender equality, we hope progress continues as additional Parties submit NDCs this year and next.
The information included in this briefing paper will be included in WEDO’s Gender Climate Tracker (GCT).
This briefing paper prepared for WEDO by Linda Siegele and was reviewed by Bridget Burns and Tara Daniel.