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Events and Lectures

Events and lectures offer the opportunity to draw from the well of expertise of scholars and practitioners who have given lectures, focusing on various aspects of parliamentary development.

  • Webinar Orçamento Cidadão em Cabo Verde
    Civil Society Organisations and Ministries of Finances from the PALOP-TL countries (Angola, Cabo Verde, Guinea Bissau, Mozambique, São Tomé e Príncipe, Timor-Leste) developed the 1st ever transnational digital network for citizens’ fiscal literacy and participation in budget cycles. ...
  • Towards effective environmental governance: Access to information, participation, and justice
    OTTAWA (CANADA), July 11, 2023 — The virtual meeting “Towards effective environmental governance: Access to information, participation, and justice” jointly organized by ParlAmericas and Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA) was held on July 11, 2023, to examine the challenges and opportunities related to advancing environmental governance in the region. ...
  • Virtual Parliamentary Exchange on Artificial Intelligence and Digital Rights
    OTTAWA (CANADÁ), 15 de junio, 2023 — Esta mañana tuvo lugar el “Intercambio parlamentario virtual sobre inteligencia artificial y derechos digitales”, organizado por la Red de Parlamento Abierto de ParlAmericas, con el objetivo de reunir a legisladores de las Américas y el Caribe para dialogar sobre los efectos que el vertiginoso desarrollo de la inteligencia artificial tiene sobre el bienes ...