The multi-country South-South and Triangular Cooperation Programme for Consolidating Economic Governance and Public Finance Management Systems (PFMS) in the PALOP-TL (Pro PALOP-TL SAI – Phase II) is co-funded by the European Union and directly managed by UNDP in the PALOP-TL countries (Angola, Cabo Verde, Guinea Bissau, Mozambique, Sao Tome and Principe, and Timor-Leste). The programme intends to improve economic governance in the PALOP-TL, with the specific objective to enhance the performance of PALOP-TL countries on Public Finance Management Systems’ accountability, effectiveness and transparency. Because of the common historical, administrative and cultural heritage between the six PALOP-TL countries, supporting their south-south and triangular cooperation allowed UNDP and the EU to pursue objectives in these areas and to reach out to non-conventional partners in multilateral development cooperation, such as Brazil.
The proposed programme aims to scale-up, expand and consolidate, Pro PALOP-TL SAI’s first phase initiatives and successes of South-South and Triangular Cooperation by supporting capacity development, further develop regional dialogue and deliver technical assistance in the above referred domain. Within this scope, it is proposed to focus the intervention logic on three domains for consolidating PFMS, where cooperation among PALOP-TL and the EU is already underway and showed positive impacts, as well a regional added value, to obtain the following expected results:
1. The executives' capacities to ensure fiscal and budget transparency in the PALOP-TL are improved.
2. The supreme audit institutions and other relevant external control institutions' capacities to ensure external audit/control over PFMS in the PALOP-TL are enhanced.
3. The capacities of Parliaments and CSO to ensure effective legislative oversight and social monitoring of PFMS in the PALOP-TL are strengthened.
For more information about the project click here: https://www.agora-parl.org/pt-pt/pro-palop-tl-sai