Climate change is a serious issue across the world and Pakistan figures prominently in the Climate Risk Index developed by Germanwatch and the Maple Croft. UNDP has used financial support from UK Aid to support countries in the region in strengthening the enabling environment required to address climate change. This has been done by working with partner governments to strengthen existing country systems to respond effective to the impending threat.
The Climate Public Expenditure and Institutional Review (CPEIR) has been conducted by a team of experts under the leadership of the Government of Pakistan, represented in the Advisory Committee. The CPEIR is the first effort of its kind in Pakistan to determine the levels of expenditure being made by the Government on climate change. The results of the study reveal that the investments the Government is making are quite significant, though not sufficient to meet the expanding challenges of climate change. The Review provides an analysis of the existing policy and institutional setup vis-à-vis climate change, but also delves into an analysis of the current levels of investments and budget allocation of public funds.
The CPEIR has been undertaken in over 20 countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America and has proved to be a very useful tool in setting a baseline of climate change expenditures at the country level. Building on the findings and recommendations of the CPEIR, UNDP will continue to provide support to the Government in responding to climate change challenges by integrating climate change finance into core planning and budgeting systems of the country. This Review is targeted primarily at policy-makers, but also anyone with an interest in responses to climate change in Pakistan.