From the 14th to the 17th of November 2022, global policymakers, researchers, NGOs, donors, private sector, young leaders, advocates, and practitioners gathered in Pattaya City (Thailand) for the International Conference on Family Planning (ICFP). Among this diversity of attendants, 23 members of parliament (MPs) from across the globe attended the conference under the name of the Global Parliamentary Alliance (GPA).
The GPA staff facilitated the participation of 23 MPs from 19 countries at the 2022 ICFP in Pattaya City (Thailand): 14 from high-income countries, and 9 from low- and middle-income countries with a particular focus on East Africa and Asia-Pacific. MPs had the chance to discuss their legislative work on family planning (FP) in front of the reproductive health community during three ICFP-invited panels; to engage with UN agencies and civil society organisations during bilateral meetings; and to fuel peer-to-peer dialogue during the two cross-regional parliamentary forums.
This report will highlight the insightful discussion that took place both among parliamentarians and between parliamentarians and the FP community. The presence of high-level leadership participation from the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the World Health Organisation (WHO), FP2030, the Gates Foundation and Organon during the discussions with MPs underscored the importance of building a broader support base for universal access to sexual and reproductive health. Thanks to these collective efforts, MPs enjoyed a unique experience as well as acquired new knowledge that will boost their efforts to realise the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), namely in the areas of sexual health and human rights, within their respective national parliaments.
The European Parliamentary Forum for Sexual and Reproductive Rights (EPF) is grateful for the financial support received by UNFPA and WHO through its Human Reproduction Programme (HRP) to organise this event.